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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six : Vegas

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Game Name : Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six : Vegas
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2007-05-28 06:24:34
Views : 26226

Secret Lab
When Jung must hack the computer to open the door to Irena, enemies rappel down from the windows. Before you tell him to hack, send your team to the far side of the room over near the fenced area. Then, run behind the computer and tell Jung to hack it. A trigger will activate and the enemies will start pouring into the room. Your team will take most of them out on the way to the computer. If one of the team goes down Jung will stop moving towards the computer and sit there (or Michael, depending on who goes down). Once there is a pause in the onslaught, tell him to heal your partner. You can then order them around as usual. During this time Jung was supposed to be hacking the terminal but killing all the enemies skips this part. Once done, tell Jung to hack it again. He will open the door to Irena. Micheal gets left behind. Watch yourself; there are enemies on the stairs above you and will pick you off as you come up, especially on under the realistic difficulty setting.

Items for multi-player mode
Attain the indicated rank to unlock the corresponding items for multi-player mode.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
1st Lieutenant (214000 experience points)Headgears 4 (Half-Face Mask, Reinforced Helm, Tactical Goggles)
2nd Lieutenant (172000 experience points)Camo 3 (Pink, Blue, Woodland, Wasp, Sand, Crimson)
Captain (264000 experience points)Merc Weapons (MG36, SPAS12, Deagle)
Colonel (535000 experience points)Headgears 5 (Ballistic Face Mask, Riot Helm, NVGs)
Corporal (14500 experience points)Camo 1 (Desert, Urban, Russian, Guerrilla, Fall, Desert 2)
Elite (675000 experience points)Camo 5 (Custom 1, Custom 2, Custom 3)
First Sergeant (109500 experience points)Headgears 3 (Bonnie Hat, Beret, Tinted Goggles)
Lt. Colonel (425000 experience points)Camo 4 (Yellow Urban, Red Urban, Tiger, Rust, Urban 2, Grey)
Major (330000 experience points)Military Armor (Vier Recon Armor, Diamondback Combat Armor, Anaconda Assault Armor)
Master Sergeant (82500 experience points)Freedom Fighter weapons (AK47, Raging Bull, SV98)
Private 1st Class (3000 experience points)Headgears 1 (Tactical Helm, Balaclava)
Sergeant (23500 experience points)Tactical Armor (Raven Recon Armor, Vulture Combat Armor, Falcon Assault Armor)
Sergeant First Class (56500 experience points)Camo 2 (Flecktarn, Orange, Swedish, War2k5, Alpen, White)
Sergeant Major (139000 experience points)Black Market Armor (Typhoon Recon Armor, Cyclone Combat Armor, Hurricane Assault Armor)
Specialist (8400 experience points)Rainbow Weapons (MP7A1, SIG552, USP40)
Staff Sergeant (38500 experience points)Headgears 2 (3 Hole Balaclava, Baseball Cap, Breathing Mask)

Play the Fremont Street level and look for a ledge that has a bottle of Axe cologne. Shoot the bottle. The neon roof of the Fremont Street Experience will change to an animation of a girl in a bikini with some Axe items. This is followed by a sequence with outtakes and early animations.

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